

HSDBSOAR is an acronym for Hawaiian Society for the Deaf-Blind Supports, Opportunities, Advocacy, and Resources. The purpose of this organization is to ensure the protection and support of Hawaiian Deaf Keikis (children) and Deaf communities in Hawaii. This includes advocating for their access to the American & Hawaiian Sign Languages, English and promoting their overall well-being.

Protecting and supporting the access to languages and well-being of Hawaiian Deaf Keikis (children) and Deaf communities in Hawaii is crucial for their overall development and inclusion. Here are some key considerations for achieving these goals:

Bilingual Education: Providing bilingual education that incorporates English, American Sign Language (ASL) and Hawaiian Sign Language (HSL) is essential. This approach ensures that Deaf Keikis have access to a rich linguistic and cultural environment, enabling them to develop strong communication skills and a sense of cultural identity.

Accessible Education: Ensuring that educational materials, resources, and classrooms are accessible for Deaf Keikis is vital. This includes implementing appropriate assistive technologies, captioning videos and multimedia content, and promoting the use of visual aids to facilitate learning.

Qualified Educators: Hiring and training qualified educators who are proficient in sign language and have a deep understanding of Deaf culture is essential. These educators can provide effective instruction and support the unique needs of Deaf Keikis, promoting their language acquisition, cognitive development, and overall well-being.

Inclusive Curriculum: Developing an inclusive curriculum that incorporates Deaf culture, history, and contributions is important. This fosters a sense of pride and belonging among Deaf Keikis, while also promoting understanding and acceptance among their hearing peers.

Community Engagement: Encouraging community involvement and engagement is crucial for the well-being of Deaf Keikis and the overall support of Deaf communities in Hawaii. This can include organizing cultural events, workshops, and support groups where Deaf individuals can come together, share experiences, and celebrate their unique identities.

Accessibility Services: Ensuring that essential services, such as healthcare, mental health support, and emergency services, are accessible to Deaf individuals is vital. This may involve training service providers in sign language and ensuring the availability of qualified interpreters in various settings.

Advocacy and Policy Development: Advocating for the rights and needs of Deaf Keikis and Deaf communities is crucial. This involves actively participating in the development of policies and legislation that promote accessibility, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for the Deaf population.

By implementing these measures, Hawaii can work towards creating an inclusive and supportive environment that protects and supports the language access and well-being of Hawaiian Deaf Keikis and Deaf communities.